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PE and Sport Premium

This Year the school has received £19939 for the Sports premium.


This grant will be spent in accordance with the plans laid out in the document below. At the end of the year its impact will be monitored.


This year the offer includes: opportunities for children to take part in a wide variety of sporting activities such as Yoga, including competitions and the employment of Sports Coaches.  


The school will make sure these improvements are sustainable by building within the children a commitment:


  • to sporting activity and, in particular, participation in clubs. 
  • to great behaviour, including sporting behaviour, in and around the school
  • to engage in competitive sport; and
  • to have fun.

Sports Premium 2023

Sports Premium 2022

Sports Premium 2021

PE and Sports Premium Intended Use 2020-21

PE Sport Grant Intended Use 2019 - 2020

The Impact of the Sport Premium 2018 - 2019

Use of PE Premium 2017 - 2018
