Welcome to the Reception page. Here you will find useful links and documents to help you support your child with their learning.
If you need to contact us, please use the class email address below:
Miss Brice - Cherry Class reception_cherry@cedarsmanor.harrow.sch.uk
Miss Abdi - Holly Class reception_holly@cedarsmanor.harrow.sch.uk
We hope you will find the resources on this page useful in supporting your child at home.
Cedars Manor is developing its journey to become a values-based school. Each month the children are introduced to a new value. These values are embedded into the curriculum and children's learning. The values support them in becoming a good citizen. Please talk about these values with the children at home to support their understanding and development further.
Our values are:
September: Respect
The children have been learning to respect one another and their environment. The children have demonstrated their abilities to be respectful in school.
October: Co-operation
The children are beginning to understand the value of co-operation. The children are learning to play and work alongside one another, helping each other during the day in a variety of ways. Co-operation is lovely to see during the children's play.
November: Empathy
Our new value Empathy has been introduced to the children. Understanding how someone else feels can be a difficult concept for our youngest learners. However, the children have been very keen to learn their new value and demonstrate it. They have begun to explore empathy through sharing and turn taking.
December: Hope
The children were introduced to the value hope and what this looks like. Children discussed what hope meant to them and began to understand it was something they dreamed or wished for. Some of the children said that they hoped to be able to read soon and have been trying especially hard with their oral blending in phonics.
January: Resilience
Our new value this month is resilience. Children understand that when they are resilient they 'bounce back' and do not give up easily. The children recognise that they need to have a go at new activities and continue to try their best, even when they find things difficult or challenging.
A selection of activities to work on with your child, covering all areas of the Early years curriculum.